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对广东省中山市五桂山区长命水村 2 个湿地松(Pinus elliottii)与乡土阔叶树种改造的混交 林,以及对照湿地松纯林的相关植物的生长指标进行调查分析,对其林下植物多样性进行对比。结果表 明:利用乡土阔叶树种对湿地松纯林的改造具有一定的效果。不同树种在改造样地中生长表现出的差异 较大,大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)和台湾相思(Acacia confuse)的胸径和树高年平均生长量分别为 2.04~4.00 cm 和 1.82~1.86 m,表现最好。2 个改造样地林下植物多样性与对照地存在较大差异,且均比对 照地好。总体分析,大叶相思、台湾相思和柠檬桉 (Eucalyptus citriodora) 生长最迅速,各项生长指标较 其它树种快,是改造湿地松林的优良树种。
关键词:   湿地松;林分改造;生长;植物多样性
Study on the Growth of Improvement Species and Species Diversity under Pinus elliottii Forest
LU Yali,WANG Yingli and CHEN Hongyue
Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization//Guangdong Academy of Forestry,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University
In order to understand the effects of forest 美高梅ation on Pinus elliottii forests, the growth indexes and plant biodiversity of two mixed forests of P. elliottii with native broad-leaved tree species and a P. elliottii pure forest were investigated in Changmingshui village, Wuguishan district, Zhongshan city, Guangdong province. Results showed that: there were certain effects on the 美高梅ation of P. elliottii plantations by applying native broad-leaved tree species. Different tree species exhibited different growth performance. Acacia auriculaeformis and A. confusa had distinctively effected in the annual mean growth rate of diameter at breast height and tree height.They were 2.04~4.00 cm/a and 1.82~1.86 m/a, respectively. The undergrowth plant biodiversity in the two mixed forest plots were significant better than the control plot.Generally,the growth indexes of Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia confuse, Eucalyptus citriodora were faster than other tree species, and they were excellent tree species for 美高梅ation of P. elliottiiv forest.
Key words:   Pinus elliottii; forest improvement; growth; species diversity